Proizvodnja drvenih paleta, topolovog furnira i šper ploča: Visa-Prom d.o.o. Kanjiža


Our wood comes from sustainable forestry. We know who supplies our high-quality poplar wood and where it comes from. It is transported to the factory on barges down the river Tisa.


Wood is considered an “organic” renewable resource. With sustainable cultivation, it grows repeatedly and is always available in required quantities. Mankind uses the remarkable features of wood as a renewable resource requiring the least amount of energy for further production, transport and processing.

The very concept of sustainability implies cascade exploitation, which is why wood remains in the cycle of use for a long time. It provides permanent raw materials and climate protection, as constant renewal leads to climate neutrality and a positive ecological balance. 

The constant and significant increase of global consumption of wood as a raw material in all types of processing has led to increased interest in the potential of planting fast-growing deciduous trees of short longevity. Intensive cultivation of fast-growing tree species in short rotations, particularly in areas suitable for such purposes, helps resolve the issue of wood raw material shortage, especially in the field of fiber manufacture. Poplar and willow clones, whose juvenile phase is characterized by intense growth, the ability to adapt to various habitat conditions, resistance to diseases and pests, as well as the possibility of selection at an early stage with the aim of developing certain desirable qualities, represent an important source of raw materials.

The main goal of state-of-the-art mechanical wood processing, as well as all other wood processing methods, is to use raw materials as efficiently as possible. This pertains to both primary mechanical processing, where the poplar tree has not yet fully become an “independent” raw material compared to sawmill coniferous roundwood (fir/spruce) and certain hard deciduous types, and the manufacture of peeled veneer. However, it is worth mentioning that the soft deciduous wood, poplar in particular, has found its place in the production of peeled and constructional veneer for veneer panels and other products. 

POPLAR: Our raw material base

Poplar is the type of tree which produces the highest wood volume in our region. Its frequent use in the afforestation process began after World War I, which is when the first cultivars were introduced.

The growing need for poplar wood after World War II, primarily wood for chemical industry purposes, led to the introduction and mass spreading of new poplar cultivars. New poplar cultivars have contributed to a significant expansion of the product range, as well as to the increase in the value of poplar plantations compared to natural poplar forests.

To some extent, setting up plantations of poplar clones is the result of successful selection of new genotypes with greater genetic potential, but it is also largely a consequence of the fact that they can demonstrate greater genetic potentials in terms of wood volume increase. 

A reliable source of raw materials

Sustainable forest management and reliable business partners are prerequisites for our continuous high quality and readily available range of products. We value our long-term partners, while such partnerships ensure that raw materials are constantly available and our regular delivery to customers is on schedule.

Poplar wood is used for various purposes in Visa-Prom’s production. It is used in the wood industry for manufacturing various types of veneer, plywood and pallets. We use production waste, i.e. sawdust for manufacturing composite blocks. This results in a rounded-out production process and 100% utilization of all wood waste. 

Zero-waste manufacturing

Thanks to optimized manufacturing operations, each log produces the maximum quantity of sawn timber, and therefore a more extensive range of products. Other materials such as sawdust, bark and wood shavings are ground and processed into composite pallet blocks. 


We produce green energy for our own manufacturing needs, in our own boiler room, using wood remains. Most of the heat energy is employed for the kilns. Several types of chamber kilns operate within the factory. During winter, when wood often arrives frozen, being full of water, it is necessary to leave it in the wood defrosting kiln for a certain period during the preparation process. Other kilns are used for finishing procedures required by the ISPM 15 standard before goods are delivered to customers.

This is how Visa-Prom d.o.o. promotes efficient use of raw wood in order to achieve sustainable development and manufacture the highest-quality wood products that we have to offer. 

RADNO VREME Pon-Pet: 07:00-16:00

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